I'm fascinated by a dichotomy presented by time. As a means of measurement we use time without much thought. This is what I think of as mundane time. Mundane time is what humans invented to provide relative order to the world. This is the time that just is. Mundane time lives outside of us. There is another time that exists with the individuality of a fingerprint.

I think of this as collected time. This is the time, the moments imbued with textures, sounds, odors, dreams, and profound experiences. Collected memories are an unending accumulation of existential snapshots that can't be properly measured by a timepiece. These are memories triggered by senses, emotions, and locations. We collect these snapshots into a database of immeasurable qualities. The art I make is a glimpse into my collected time.

My work allows the capture of a moment in time where a state of mind may be examined.

I'm attracted to irrational juxtaposition, the sublime potential of objects, and the psychological effects of intersecting planes.