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For the last twenty-five years I have lived a double life- I am both
Max Wade the surrealist and my alter-ego of C.M. Hosler the landscape painter. The name C.M. Hosler is inspired by and connected to my family history.


My work in surrealism delves into considerations that can be intellectually strenuous, potentially uncomfortable in narrative content, and produced in bursts of productivity. I've grown familiar enough with Hosler that he has become a wonderful counterbalance.


When I desire an intellectual rest, to lose myself in the pure beauty of nature, I produce a few Hoslers. I completely shift my thought processes to this end and as a result, little of what I do as Hosler transfers into my other work.


My artistic sensibilities and style of execution have gravitated to making my statement in a manner more suitable to mediums other than paint on canvas. However, I have always had a little fire burning inside to be a painter. Being C.M. Hosler allows me to enjoy the moments of quiet magic that painting brings me.